Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow days!!

Well, we finally got our first 'significant' snow storm of the season! It was on a Friday, so naturally schools let out early and we geared up for the fun task of shoveling out when all was said and done! They boys were so excited! When woke the next morning, we had about 6 inches on the ground and the digging out began! The boys built a fort out front as it was the best packing snow! John and Ryan went around to all the neighbors and without even asking! They actually made a couple of bucks! It will be nice to have a white Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008

And then...

Then after those disasterous pictures, I asked again nicely this morning...or should I say "threatened" them nicely this morning....I wound up with this...so Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that stuff...HO HO HO!!!!

Some Christmas pics of the boys...

Yea so it was about 5 mins before we were going to walk out the door and I had this brainstorm idea! Let me have the boys all line up in front of our beautiful tree and ask them to sit still for just one picture. Well....the pictures speak for themselves....LOL!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bogart's Vacation....

For those of you who do not know, Bogart is my parents dog. He is the sweetest little black dog. His nickname is 'Bogie' for short. Well, nanny and pop-pop are vacationing in Florida this week and we have the pleasure of having him sleep over our house. So, for nanny and pop=pop in Florida, here are a few pictures of your boy....no, we are not over feeding him!!! Ruff!! Ruff!! Ruff!!! from your boy!!! Ha! Ha!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

We woke up Saturday morning to our first snow fall. There was only about 3 inches on the ground, but still beautiful. I woke up early that morning, poured myself a cup of hot coffee, turned the tree lights on and sat there in silence. Yes, silence!!! The boys were all still asleep and I took full advantage of the peace and sat and watched the big, fluffy flakes fall. Cannot believe that Christmas is only 16 days away....in case I don't get a chance to post before then...I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!

Our fuzzy little friends....

Sometimes we forget how beautiful our surroundings are...just the other day, the boys and I were leaving nanny's house and we came across some of our feathered friends. Nanny has duck food and if you are very quiet and move slowly, they will come right up to you. You don't realize how beautiful they are up close. The colors in their wings and their faces is beautiful!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween pictures...

A Happy belated Halloween to everyone! It was the perfect day to trick-or-treat...it was warm and sunny and the kids had a great time. I took the boys back to the 'old neighborhood' where they saw all their old friends. Mark and the neighbors created the hay ride again which the kids look forward to every year! John was dressed as batman, Ryan was the joker, Kevin was an army soldier and Nick...well let's just say, he was dressed as Miley Cyrus. He made such a cute little girl! Hope everyone had a great day and got lots of candy!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Karate Kids!!

John and Ryan have been begging me to let them join karate. I was always reluctant because I thought they would only be running around the house 'karate chopping' everything in site. Well, was I wrong. My friend Annie introduced me to friends of hers...Sensei Chris and Sensei Ryan. They told me to bring the kids down for a two weeks free trial. They absolutely loved it! They are learning not only karate, but dicipline as well. The boys will be participating in a competition on Nov 16th...will let you know how it goes! I only have one picture of them so far, but I promise I will post more soon.

Halloween Parade in St. James

After a cold and windy start to the weekend, Sunday turned out to be picture perfect!!! The sun was out and it was almost 60 degrees! The boys were asked to march in a local parade down in St. James with their karate class. We all had so much fun! John and Ryan dressed as .... you guessed it... karate kids. Their friend Shayna was a vampire and Nick and Kevin just went along for the ride. We went back to our friend Annie's house for some football and dinner. It was a great day!!!

Cousins come to visit!

This past Saturday, Angela came to visit the boys. We were hoping for a somewhat warm and sunny day, but instead it was cool, cloudy and very windy! We spent a few hours together and caught up on the kids, work and just life in general. Angela has all the good pictures and when I get them, I will post more here....I did however get some cute shots of Daniel and Alyssa. We went to the park and the kids seemed to enjoy the near hurricane winds!! It was a nice afternoon spent together!

Baby news!!!!!

Heather had suprised me about a week before that her and Jim were expecting their first child. How exciting!!! It was really hard for Heather to get Liz and I together to share the news, so Heather and I went to a jewelery party that Liz was having...it was there that Heather broke the exciting news....hope you can hear the video, there was a lot of back ground noise. Watch Liz's eyes...they tell all!!!!! We are so excited to be 'aunts' again!! We love you Heather and that baby bump as well!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our visit to Montefiore Children's Hospital

I am thankful to say that our trip on Friday to the cardiologist went very well. John saw the cardiac electrophysiologist, Dr. Pass. After another EKG, the doctor determined that although John still has the condition known as WPW, he felt that we did not have to take any immediate action at this time. When John turns 10 however, he will be hospitalized for the cardiac cath procedure. At that time, they will insert a cath up into his heart to determine if they need to proceed with the 'oblation' of the cardiac impulse. They feel more comfortable doing this at the age of 10 as his heart will be slightly larger and he would tolerate the procedure much better. We left the doctors office feeling more comfortable than when we arrived. John has been cleared for all sports and gym. Thanks for all of the prayers and phone calls....John definately has an angel looking down on him!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Boys...

Here are just a few pictures I came across this morning in my camera...they are the most recent of Nick, Kevin, John and Ryan...

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Little Trooper!!

As some of you may know, when John was born they detected a congenital heart defect known as Valvar Pulmonic Stenosis and WPW. He gets extremely rapid heartbeats. We saw his cardiologist in the beginning of September and they ran an EKG as well as a sonogram to determine whether or not his condition had improved. Based on their findings, they scheduled John to come back for a stress test. He was so excited that he was going to be walking/running on the treadmill at the doctors office. Based on the results from the appointment yesterday, the doctor is still a bit concerned that the WPW is still causing John some problems. We are now scheduled to see a specialist next Friday. John wanted me to take pictures of him yesterday as Dr. Schiff referred to him as "The Purple Power Ranger!!" He was such a trooper and we are very proud of him! Please keep us in your prayers and will keep you updated once we see the doctor next week. We are going to Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kevin Turns 10!!!

September 21st - Kevin turned 10 years old!! Can you believe it? It feels like yesterday when the doctor said "It's A Boy"....how time flies! We celebrated last night with cake at our new home...Nanny came over for some cake and this coming Sunday we are having a barbecue to celebrate again! Happy Birthday my beautiful boy!!!